Wednesday, 29 September 2010


Name: Corrie Cadwallader

GSCE results: English C and D
                      Maths C
                      Science C and C
                      History C
                      R.E   D
                      P.E   E
                      Ict    E

Hobbies:  I have a wide array of hobbies which i do when i have the time, i enjoy music and play an instrument, i spend a lot of time listening to music and also write my own. I also take part in a wide variety of sports and there isn't many sports i don't play, i also like to keep myself fit and healthy by trying to eat right and doing regular exercise. I spend a lot of my spare time watching TV and seeing films which is one reason i decided to take Media Studies. I regularly cook for my family and see myself as quite a good chef, but i am a vegetarian so i try to cook for my friends as well so they don't see being a vegetarian is all about eating salad and vegetables. I also spend a lot of time with my friends and love going to party's and having people round my house.

Print Media: I read a large range of newspapers, but mostly only for the sports pages, unless i know something is going on around the world then i read newspapers so i can learn a little bit about what is going on. If i have nothing else to do i sometimes read magazine's such as "pick me up" because some of the story's in there amuse me and i like to read the real life stories.

Radio Media: There is only one real radio station i listen to and that's "kiss" because it is based in Norwich but also has news from all around England, and i feel it plays the best music without too much annoying talking which no one really wants to hear.

Music Industry's:
  •   My favorite genre of music is Hip-Hop and Rap but i also enjoy other genre's such as reggae. 
  • I dont Belong to a band but do play the guitar.
  • I do access my music from the internet and get a lot of my music from youtube
  • I don't really agree with downloading music off the internet but at the same time sometimes i do it for myself, but i use the youtube down loader so i feel how come i can listen to it on youtube but not on anything else? but i can see why it could be seen as wrong, because technically it is stealing.
  • I think the music industry completely influences our dress sense and attitudes. If there is music that you can relate to and you really like you will listen to that and find other songs eather by the same artist or people in that genre, people see these pop stars and see what there wearing and think they look cool so try dress the same as them. I think most of the different groups of people are influenced by the music they like, and could even be put into categories for what music they like. and i also think they can inspire you to do what you really want to do, some stars came from nothing and have had the same problems as alot of there fans, but now have got to far, which gives people hope for their own lives and aspirations.
Video Games:
  • My favorite video game is "Pro Evolution Soccer"   which is a football game were you can play against people online or play with your friends
  • I think people's attitudes could change and how they treat and talk to other individuals with what games they play, as an example "Grand Theft Auto" you have to go around shooting people and beating people up, not only that pretty much all women are eather sluts, prostitutes or wearing no clothes, so if someone played this game at an early age i think it could affect how they treat people or talk to people.
 New Technology:

  • I think new technology has definitely get an understanding of the world. If you cant afford to go abroad i think the best way to find out about country's is the internet, you could watch video's, find out about there history, see pictures of the country, with internet chat rooms you could even talk to people your age in other country's for free.
  • I think the biggest reason in today's society that we communicate with each other apart from normal talking is through technology, people go on Facebook everyday and Myspace and Bebo and even things like telephones are such a well known devise which are just part of everyday life.
  • I think technology has helped a lot with Media and a lot of adverts are shown all over the internet and TV so people know all about the media and buy new films and magazines.
  • The great thing about the internet is the fact that anyone can use it if they have a computer, so if someone wants to write a review about a film, or about some music they can and anyone is welcome to read that review if they have permission from the person who wrote it.


  • My favorite things to watch on TV are  Things to do with sport because i am big on sport and find it interesting. i also like comedy programs like south park, Simpson's, Family guy, Malcolm in the Middle and Stand up comedian shows, i like these because i find them funny and i often find they put me in a good mood.
  • My favorite genre from television is usually comedy because i like to laugh and i like the mood it puts me in, it also helps me to relax and after a long day its nice to just lie back and laugh at the TV.
  • 5 programs i feel are memorable are Simpson's, Life, Big Brother, The inbetweeners, South park

Feature Film

  • My favorite film genre is probably comedy because its something most people can relate to and talk about and everyone enjoys a good comedy.
  • 3 films that i find outstanding are Forest Gump, Shaw shank Redemption and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest 
  • i prefer watching films in my room because its a nice environment
  • My favorite cinema in Odeon
  • i prefer to watch comedy films with a group and serious films eather alone or with one other person


I have not really been offended by any media because I am not that easily offended but i didn't like what i saw in some newspapers about what American soldiers did to Iraqi soldiers at Guantanamo Bay.
The most interesting piece of media i have ever read was all about the universe and how many different planets there were and how the world was just like a grain of sand at a beach.
One thing that changed my attitude to friendship was my music type, i realized that the people who did enjoy the music i enjoyed usually had things in common with me and the friends i have become closest to have the same taste of music as me.
if i could write a piece of media i would write about my community as i feel that is what i would be able to write most about with greater detail.
I have chosen media studies as my option because i feel some parts of media really describe me as a person, and i find these sort of things very interesting. 

Monday, 20 September 2010

the meaning of a femme fetal

A femme fatale  is a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations, The phrase is French for "deadly woman". A femme fatale tries to achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, and sexual allure. Typically, she is exceptionally well-endowed in addition to possessing these qualities. In some situations, she uses lying or coercion rather than charm. She may also be (or imply to be) a victim, caught in a situation from which she cannot escape; The Lady From Shanghai (a 1947 film noir) is one such example

An example of a Femme Fetal, from the film Gilda

This woman is essentially seen as a femme fetal, she is a provocative dangerous woman, who is also very vulnerable. This film is also an example of a Noir film as it has very dark lighting, and is in black and white