Sunday 16 January 2011

The genre of our film

The genre of our film is a mix between, drama and thriller expressing aspects of both genre's. We used refrences from films such as Witness and The Girl With The Dragon tattoo, as they go over the same thriller and crime drama conventions as us. We switched between the boundaries of genre's and shifting to become more permeable.
Audiences would enjoy watching our thriller because it shows a gritty reality in which people could relate to, our storyline is something that could happen and isnt to un-realistic, in our thriller we picked locations which seem gritty and grimey areas which people can relate to as there common area's in England, which brings the audience a look on the reality of these desolate discusting areas. Another reason the audience would enjoy our thriller is the fact that the girl in our film judges two boys for there appearence, when in reality they were not the ones she needed to look out for, and i feel the audience would be able to relate to that as lots of people judge others for what they look like, when in fact it could be anyone who has the sick twisted mind which enroll's into our thriller.

Our thriller has a good narrative pleasures, as there is a big twist in it, and also a mystery which is yet to be unsolved. Another thing our thriller brings is visual pleasures, but has a twist on that, as the visual pleasures are not always pleasant, but they show a gritty image, with a harsh reality on grimy areas. It also might add psychological pleasures as people could relate to some of the characters, like our character 'Stevie' who is always getting stereotyped for what he wears, I'm sure a large group of audience could relate to that which would give them a psychological pleasure as they would know what 'Stevie' was going through and in turn would make them feel great empathy for this character, also some female audience could have overprotective fathers who do not like them seeing certain boys, and when people can relate to a film they could enjoy it more.

Our thriller 'Fathers Day' would be more related to Indie films rather than mainstream as it has a low budget and not big name actors, the sort of film company's which would be interested in 'Fathers Day' would be 'Warp' and 'Working Title' as 'Fathers Day' has a unusual genre which is not really seen in such cinemas as Vue or Odeon, But more likely to be shown in more independent cinemas such as Cinema City. Unfortunately  'Fathers Day' would not appeal to all Indie audiences as our film does not have a brilliant niche factor to it.

Our thriller 'Fathers Day' would be more indie production based on other films like it such as Kidulthood and Adulthood, which would bring audiences more to our film with the success of other films like it. With hopefully the funding from some were like film4 or the UK film council, which are more likely to accept and deliberate with Indie films.

Our thriller adds a lot of different sub cultures into one including Mystery, Psychological and Realistic. With a twist at the end which keeps the audience interested and wanting to know the reasons why a father would attack his daughter,  so i would list our thriller as a Psycho realist thriller. And as it has a wide range of sub cultures and genre's it would apply to a wide range of audiences.


  1. Also Corrie you explain how specific thrillers have influenced your ideas, you need to identify which specfic ideas whilst also considering whether your target audience would actually view "Witness" an old film and "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" which is a foreign language film.

    Also Corrie you are very behind with posting your planning onto your blog. We will discuss this in class. Do watch sentence structure and spelling!!!

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