Thursday 16 December 2010

Thriller location

     With a tilted camera angle down an alley way, it gives off a feeling of a dream.                                         

The Use of an alley was gives off a chlaustrophobic feeling

The graffiti on the wall shows how grimey area, where kids run around doing what they please

With the dark alley way, getting inspiration from the film 'the third man

With the bars connotating prison, no escape

With the wet floor, giving an effect of cold and gritty, with the inspiration of the sewers in 'the third man'

The long roadway to show how desolate the scene is, and how people could just fade into the background, like in 'The Third Man' when Harry's girlfriend was walking down the long road after his funeral

The grimey walls and shady parked cars gives off an effect of crime and poverty, getting insperation from the film 'kidulthood'

With the shut shops showing that there is no one arround, and the scene is desolate and bleak.

With the bars connotating prison, like from the film 'Essex Boys' where jason and billy are going through a tunnel and what looks like bars shadow across the windscreen.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Corrie, some great stills here - I'm pleased you've referenced films that have inspired your ideas. The location is unkempt/neglected, souless and seedy thus reflecting your knowledge and understanding of the thriller genre.

    The more references you make to research the better as yu have only analysed one film in the research component of your coursework.
