Wednesday 24 November 2010

Evaluation Of Advertisement

The advertisement for Hidden Fantasy by Britney Spears shows Britney Spears in a sort of fantasy forest with big flowers all around her, which is suggests how she is one with the flowers and smells as fragrant as they do. The forest is connotative to her being mother nature and representing beauty and fine fragrances. With Britney Spears;s pose suggesting elegance and beauty.The advert suggests that the perfume will create a sense of self esteem, as the advertisement suggests that if you buy this perfume you will look and smell as beautiful as Britney Spears, also with using Britney Spears the advertisement gives off a sense of power and glamor, as not only do some girls want to be model's but also as beautiful and successful as someone like Britney Spears. This advert gives off the impression that if you buy this perfume you will be desirable and the fact that its shot in a forest shows that her beauty is natural and peaceful. The perfume bottle's color seems to be spreading throughout the screen, as if Britney was becoming one with the scent. This advert is aimed at women because the model is not trying to be too sexy, but showing more of her beauty, as if saying if you buy this perfume you can be as beautiful as me, with the advertisement being in the forest, showing natural beauty of the scenery and the model. With the name hidden fantasy, in white font so you can see the writing nice and clearly and it catches your eye, it connotes how your fantasy is hidden and you just need to find it, as if the perfume could for fill your fantasy, with Britney Spears just hiding round the corner, as if your fantasy is just round the corner. The font for 'Hidden' looks as if it is apart of the models body, as if the words are coming right from Britney's hair. In the mise en scene, they have put Britney in the middle, as if that is the main point there trying to put across, that if you buy the perfume you will be as beautiful and glamorous as her, with flowers in the background giving off a natural and pretty affect.

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