Monday 22 November 2010

Analysis and Evaluation of cosmetics advertisement

In my advertisement photo i used a Medium shot, which showed lily (model)'s whole body and showed the details of color and surrounding's which really bring out the perfume bottle, and the model. When taking the photo, i wanted her eyes to be looking upwards towards the light, and then i added the bottle so it looked like the bottle was giving out light and the model knew it.
I have only used natural light in my advertisement, with the sun coming from the top left of the picture and showing off the left side of her body, which is wear the perfume bottle is. I took this picture at the beach, next to a hut, because i feel the beach connotes freedom and beauty, but it also connotes mystery and calm, untouched scenery, i also used the beach because it was fairly windy there but with good ray's of sunshine as well. I think the wind really helps in this picture to make look very natural and also brings out the color in my models hair, which goes along with the color of the bottle.
The only real photo shop i used on my image was to add in the perfume bottle as I feel it gives a more natural image to my photo, and shows natural beauty, which lets people believe the fact that you don't need much more than the perfume to be beautiful, and that anyone can be beautiful, which is true, with everything in my photo being natural, the scenery and the model in the mise en scene  you can see the beauty in everything natural, and the natural effects shows connotations of nature smelling beautiful, just like the model. Seeing as practically everything else in my mise en scene is natural, so i didn't use a tag line, because i wanted everything to be natural, as if the bottle was really floating there and my model was staring at it as if it's exactly what she has always wanted. I used the name red twist because in the mise en scene most of the images you can see are red, which connotes the red perfume bottle, at the sea side where red is not a color you see very often, turning everything red that touched it, its bringing an oriental feel to a very British location.
I wanted Lily (my model) to not dress to fancy, i didn't want my advertisement to show of money or glamor, just natural beauty as if she was just a normal girl who saw this perfume bottle which really brought out the beauty in her. with the perfume bottle as a woman's chest wrapped in red lace, i feel this connotes the perfume being a part of the girl, I used a middle camera shot so that people could see the models whole body, so they could see that the girl was dressed just like the perfume bottle, with bright colors which stand out along side the tag name.

The type of camera i used was a Panasonic DMC-FS3 model Lumix Digital Camera, 2.5" Screen Size, 1920 x 1080 JPEG Image Resolution, Active Matrix TFT Color LCD Screen Type, JPEG Image Formats. I used this  camera because i feel it gives out a good all round picture, and doesnt show any blurriness and also adapted well to the lighting.

With the availability of new technology's such as digital cameras and photo shop change our perception of media texts because we take it all for granted, and since anyone can make an advertisement like this there not seen as such a big deal, but a few years ago something like this would have been given a lot more respect and people wouldn't of taken it for granted as much. But at the same time, if there wasn't technology such as blogs then people wouldn't of been able to observe advertisement as well, so it swings both ways really.

Cosmetics Advert: Target Audience

My target audience is women aged around 14-25 mainly because i feel they could relate to the advertisement, where as they need something to build confidence and really bring out there beauty and i feel the advert connotes that. Also all women want to be beautiful and become models, and if there is an advertisement which connotes this then girls will be more likely to relate to that. 

 I think my advertisement goes with the Esteem part of the pyramid because its for people who need abit of confidence and achievement.

Other initial ideas for my perfume advert

I had two other ideas for my advert before i went with this one, here are the three i didn't pick

IDEA 1: A young girl on the beach with the wind in here hair with light coming from the sky and the bottle in the top right corner, with a tag line saying, "your as young as you feel" as i feel people could relate to that, where as people thinking your old, but not feeling it and showing people that your not as old as you look, age is something you feel, and while this girl in the image is walking along she is all by herself and looks pretty independent and free. 

IDEA 2: This idea was for a girl walking through the woods, with just natural light hitting the top of her head, with the tag line saying "Smell as fresh as nature" because most people love the fresh smell of nature and it also shows the natural beauty. I feel the target audience would be for older woman as they would be more en touch with nature.

Adverts that inspired me

I thought these adverts inspired me because i always wanted to bring a sort of natural look, with not too much fake lighting

Long shot -  A shot that shows an object or figure from a distance, used to set a scene

Extreme close up- a very tight framing method that shows only a tiny part of the subject in great detail. On a person, usually this is the face or the eyes, and on an object this tends to be a small portion showing an element or piece of it.

High angle shot- in a high angle shot, it makes the person in the mise en scene look small and insignificant, a high angle shot is usually when the camera is located above the eyeline.

Low angle shot- this shot shows the person in the scene as big and important, as if your looking through the eyes of the other person in the screen. a low-angle shot, is a shot from a camera positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eyeline, looking up.

Birds eye view- A bird's-eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird, often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans and maps. it shows them as small and insignificant just like the high angle shot

Medium shot- a mid shot is framing a person from just above the top of the head to around their navel or midsection. Usually put into the middle of the screen.

worms eye view- A worm's-eye view is a view of an object from below, as though the observer were a worm; the opposite of a bird's-eye view. A worms eye view is used commonly for third perspective when you put one vanishing point on top one on the left and one on the right.

 Canted close up- this shot is to show the characters emotions

Close up- Close-ups are one of the standard shots used regularly with medium shots and long shots. Close-ups display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene, also showing the characters emotions in a scene

Canted angle/ Mid shot- this is a mix of canted angle and mid shot, which gives off a sort of disorientated world or a dream.

Canted angle - A camera angle which is deliberately slanted to one side, sometimes used for dramatic effect to help portray unease, disorientation, frantic or desperate action, intoxication, madness

Close up/ Extreme close up-  a very tight framing method that shows only a tiny part of the subject in great detail. On a person, usually this is the face or the eyes, and on an object this tends to be a small portion showing an element or piece of it.

1 comment:

  1. Also all women want to be beautiful and become models, and if there is an advertisement which connotes this then girls will be more likely to relate to that.

    This statement is too much of a generalisation. It is maybe truer to say that most women want to be beautiful ... but for different reasons. You need to analyse the target audience further. What is appealing about natural beauty?
    You mention esteem in your final analysis.

    The photograph is appealing and the image is well positioned in the shot. I am not sure that the perfume bottle and name are positioned to help the composition.
